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Your Steps Matter TODAY

Have you ever thought about the steps you take each day? Maybe you’re someone that has a fit bit and you keep track of how many steps you take. Maybe you’re someone who keeps track of your steps on your iPhone. Maybe you’re someone who, like me, rarely remembers to use the fit bit they purchased to keep track of the steps they take. Or maybe, the thought has never even crossed your mind. Studies show that the average American adult takes 5,000-7,000 steps per day. Though some could criticize that doesn’t reach the goal of the 10,000 steps per day that many of us strive to walk, 5,000-7,000 steps is still a lot of steps when you think about each individual step taken.

Life is full of steps. Some steps are wonderful and full of joy. Some steps are exhausting and full of grief. Many steps are an indescribable mixture of both. Those are the kinds of steps I’ve taken in my own life recently. In these last couple of years I’ve experienced the steps of my Mom’s painful journey with cancer. I’ve experienced the steps of the unexpected loss of my best friend of 15 years. I’ve experienced the steps of helplessly watching my Mom suffer until her last breath.

Yet, in these last couple of years I’ve also experienced the steps down the aisle, marrying the unexpected man of my dreams. I’ve experienced the steps of dancing with my Mom at my wedding in her last days here on earth. I’ve experienced the steps of gaining wonderful children whom already held a special place in my heart as they belonged to the best friend that I lost; children that my best friend asked me to be the guardian for if anything were to ever happen to her. Through that, I’ve experienced the steps of creating a wonderfully unique, new family with my husband and children. I’ve experienced God’s redemption in ways I could have never imagined, one step at a time. Life is full of steps.

Through the good steps and the bad, God’s promises ring true. John 16:33 tells us this:

33“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God promised that in this world we would have steps that are great and steps that are hard. He promised that in the end He would overcome it all and, in fact, already has. He offers a hope beyond anything we can ever gain or lose in this world. My best friend knew that and now she walks alongside Jesus. My Mom knew that and now she too walks alongside Jesus. Both my best friend and my Mom cared deeply about sharing this hope in Christ with others. They desired for as many people as possible to take their own steps toward Jesus Christ to the eternal hope that they now experience. As they take their steps next to Jesus today, their hearts’ and legacies live on here with us. Life, whether in paradise or here on earth, is full of steps.

What are the steps you’ve taken lately? I’m sure that some of your steps have been wonderful and some of have been difficult. I’m sure that some have been that crazy mixture of both. Whatever your steps may be, do they have purpose?

As many of you know, in her last years of life with cancer, my Mom led the organization called Gail’s Girls to help other women in the world take steps with great purpose. Gail's Girls helps the oppressed and impoverished women in Southern Asia. Their mission is to provide opportunities to encourage and empower women in Southern Asia by teaching them life skills, leadership skills, a specific trade, and equipping them to lead community transformation around them. They plant churches in communities that have never heard about Jesus and share about His hope that we all so desperately need. Gail’s Girls are taking steps each day to change the lives of the people around them even at the risk of their own lives. They are taking powerful steps each day.

We are hosting a 5k and Family Fun Fest to support Gail’s Girls on Saturday, October 12th at Vibrant, A Christian Church. Participants can run or walk in person or virtually. Participants are also encouraged to fundraise. We all plan to take one step at a time with great purpose! I ask that you join my family and friends, as we take one step at a time to make a difference for Gail’s Girls. As the big day approaches I think we could all use some encouragement from Gail herself. This is from the last blog that she wrote:

“Thank you so much for your prayers that have held me up and will continue to do so. I am so thankful for the time the Lord has given me, along with fun and precious times to enjoy. He has given me purpose while fighting this cancer. Please do not forget Gail's Girls as we are empowering, educating, and encouraging young women leaders in southern Asia. They need our prayers and our support … We all will leave a legacy at the end of our lives. Please join me in adding more people in heaven due to supporting these young women who are transforming communities and starting home Bible studies. You are adding up treasure in heaven in a huge way by adding your support.”

In the last days of my Mom’s life she was unable to speak. Had she been able to, I’m sure she would have quoted 2 Timothy 4:7:

7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

What are the steps you’re taking? Are they steps of purpose? God has given us an incredible opportunity to carry on a legacy, create our own legacy, and glorify His name one step at a time.

Life is full of steps. Will you take a step for Gail’s Girls?

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